niedziela, 23 czerwca 2013

Sightseeing Wrocław. For free

You are a poor Erasmus student or an Erasmus student who has just spent all their money on parties (but still wants to prove that Erasmus is not only about partying)?

Here are some tips, when to go where, if you are short of money.

1. The National Museum in Wrocław

The National Museum is an art museum.
You can visit permanent exhibitions for free every Saturday.

2. Contemporary Museum in Wrocław

Visiting a contemporary art museum is free of charge on Thursdays. (It is quite mysterious why this information can be found only in the Polish version of the website!)

3. The City Museum of Wrocław

It has different branches and is free of charge on Thursdays.

Different branches are e.g. Town Hall, the Historical Museum, the Jewish Cementry

4. The Museum of Architecture

Sounds out-of-the-ordinary, doesn't it? The museum is located in a former monastery.
Free admission on Wednesdays.

5. Botanical Garden

Students of public universities in Wrocław (their list on the website) can visit the garden for free Monday-Saturday (unless it is a holiday) in April (or earlier if the botanical garden is open), May, June, October, November. 

6. Cinema

Having cinema would be too good to be true but remember about my post with cheapest cinemas in Wrocław

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